This day may be filled with the unexpected. Sometimes the unexpected can cause anxiety in us. We don’t have to be filled with anxiety. There is a way to quickly reduce anxiety. It has everything to do with Jesus and time. Jesus is waiting to take anxiety away from us. In fact He tells us to give Him ALL our anxiety because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). This means, He knows there are going to be times when we’re experiencing anxiety. The question I get most based on this verse is, “How do you cast your anxiety on Him? I don’t know how to do that.” There is a way to quickly reduce anxiety. Today, I’m going to share how I do it.
True Story Ahead
This past weekend I had an anxiety-producing experience. I was having a conversation with a loved one and the intensity of the conversation began to increase my inner turmoil. While I tried staying calm, I began feeling an uneasiness inside my soul. Then I noticed some physical things start to happen. My pulse increased, my voice got louder, my body stiffened, and my mind raced. I desperately tried to come up with a way to effectively communicate while trying to stay calm.
When others start expressing their frustration and I’m one of the frustrations, I can get quickly annoyed if their delivery is harsh. Anxiety is surely present because I begin to worry and feel uncertain about the outcome. This leads to my own frustration, and usually anger is not too far behind.
Thankfully, I recognized what was happening and the insight I’ve gained over the years gave me the knowledge I needed to be wise. As hard as it was, I had to initiate pausing the conversation, which I knew upset the other person. But I also knew this pause would benefit us both.
We both needed time and Jesus immediately.
Time and Jesus
When I start feeling anxiety creeping in, I stop what I’m doing and seek a place to be alone. My quiet place may be the bathroom, my bedroom, my writing room, the laundry room, a closet, or even my car. It doesn’t matter where. What matters most is I need to be alone so that I can praise Jesus. I need His presence immediately.
I’ve learned over the years when I’m feeling anxiety, the enemy is too close to me. I need to get rid of him.
So when we call out to Jesus through praise, we are unleashing Jesus’ authority in our life. Jesus says He’ll come close to us when we come close to Him (James 4:8). Jesus’ authority and presence is what makes the devil flee from us. Our enemy has to flee from us because he can’t remain in Jesus’ presence.
Satan hates when we praise Jesus.
He hates it because he knows he’s lost the battle. His battle strategy is often to disrupt and cause disagreements in relationships, especially with those we love the most.
This is why we need a battle strategy too. Since we will be attacked by the devil, we need to know how to fight the battle.
I’ve personally experienced when I draw close to God during these times, He draws near to me, and the enemy flees. Then my anxiety begins to reduce.
Stop and Give Jesus 10
If you’re child of God, you are a soldier. Like a real-life army commander may say, “Drop and give me 10!” I say, Stop and Give Jesus 10.
Give Jesus 10 minutes of praise and see if your anxiety doesn’t defuse.
Others may not understand what you are doing or why. Guess what? It doesn’t matter what others think of you during these moments.
When you’re under attack, it’s your responsibility to stand against the enemy and fight.
Relationships matter. You’ll never be able to have healthy conversations if you’re filled with anxiety. I believe anxiety sometimes lead to anger. God instructs us to not sin out of our anger (Ephesians 4:26). We need to know the warning signs of anxiety and anger developing in us.
For me, if I feel like someone is attacking me out of his/her own frustration, anxiety, or anger, even if I understand why they feel this way, I personally am in danger of reacting negatively and doing the same back to them.
I’ve learned I can only take this for a few minutes before I begin to feel frustration and anger welling up in me. I can also become anxious during these moments because of the tension within me. I desire to help, but when I feel like someone is just taking their frustrations, anxiety, or anger out on me, then I’m not so good at being my best for them.
It’s never easy for me to leave a conversation when it’s at a frustration peak and/or anxiety is high. But this is exactly why I leave the conversation. My plan is to return to the conversation later, but in those immediate moments, I need to take care of my soul. So I stop and give Jesus 10 minutes of praise.
I’m always amazed within a minute or two my pulse begins to slow down, and I’m able to concentrate on my breathing. Singing praises really helps me with rhythmic breathing, which I’ve found to be a crucial element in helping me reduce anxiety, frustration, and anger.
By the end of my 10-minute praise session, the enemy’s attack on me is gone and is replaced by Jesus’ comfort and reassurance, “I am with you. You’re okay now.”
Practical Application
So friends, the next time you’re feeling anxiety, know that the enemy is too close to you. It’s time for you to submit to your Commander. Stop and give Him 10 minutes of praise. Fight the anxiety battle through praising Jesus. Give Him your time and your praise. I promise Jesus will show up and help you.
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