Encouragers need encouragement. This is one of my many mottos. To be inspiring, we have to be inspired. Another motto I live by. I figure if what God is teaching me matters to my growth and development, then it probably matters to yours too. As I sought the Lord today for instruction and inspiration, He brought it to me in one of the most humorous ways. God has brought me laughter.
When I want to write, I seek Jesus for the message He wants us to hear. After doing some in-depth Bible studying, praying, and journaling, I honestly did not have a clue what message needed to be shared today.
Taking a break from praying and studying, I went to the kitchen, where the dirty dishes piled high. As I began cleaning them, I felt the prodding of the Holy Spirit to listen to my music playlist that I created while writing the first draft of my first book at the beginning of 2020. (Yes, I did! I wrote my first draft – YAY!!!)
My heart was being filled with truth from the same songs I’ve listened to many times. Songs by Crowder, Mandisa, Hillsong Worship, and Chris Tomlin encouraged and inspired me.
It was working!
Listening to praise songs about Jesus, who He is, and who I am because of Him lifted my spirit. As the last stanza of Chris Tomlin’s song, “Yes and Amen”, faded, my heart soared! Jesus is so faithful. His promises are yes and amen. I could feel inspiration was just around the corner.
Then, then, the unexpected happened.
“John, John, John, John, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt!,” in harmonized a cappella style, blew like a hurricane wind through my kitchen.
And I laughed out loud! A big belly laugh sprung forth. I couldn’t stop laughing.
Here I was in the “serious” spiritual moment of how faithful Jesus is when this silly lyrical melody flew in like a photobomb! Okay, I don’t know what we call a song that bust in from nowhere to surprise us, but that’s what “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schimidt” did.
Evidently, my 3-year old grandson has added to my spiritual, inspirational playlist. This is the consequence of allowing him to hold my iPhone and listen to his favorite band: Go Fish.
James knows how to swipe, tap, and select. And apparently, he knows how to add a song to a playlist. (Now I’m going to have check what other playlists he’s rearranged.)
Party Like a Preschooler
“Don’t take yourself so seriously, Michelle. Lighten up! Party like a preschooler!” This was the inspirational whisper of the Holy Spirit.
And I did. I let the silly lyrics and musical notes fill both my kitchen and my soul, even though my sweet little grandson was not even with me. We don’t need a preschooler in our presence to party like one or to laugh like one.
Isn’t that the point? Sometimes we get so serious, we lose sight of the lighter side of life. We can forget to laugh.
We need to laugh. God laughs. People in the Bible laughed. Sarah laughed.
After giving birth to her son Isaac at the age of 90, Sarah said:
“God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” ~ Genesis 21:6
I’ve had three babies in my twenties and thirties. I can’t imagine what it was like for Sarah to give birth at 90. But one thing we know, she laughed. One thing she knew, God brings us laughter. Her desire was for us to laugh with her.
I think I know why. Laughter is good for us.
Laughter is good for our whole wellbeing. According to Mayo Clinic there are both short-term and long-term benefits of laughing:
Short-term benefits
- Stimulates many organs (heart, lungs, muscles, brain)
- Activates and relieves our stress response
- Soothes tension
Long-term benefits
- Improves immune system
- Relieves pain
- Increases personal satisfaction
- Improves mood
I have to confess, after my laughing episode, I felt a good, relaxed feeling. I believe God wants you to experience a good, relaxed feeling today too.
Who knew “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt” would be the inspirational words I would need to hear today. These silly words inspired me to laugh today. It’s my duty to share them with you too.
God has brought me laughter.
If you really want to join me in laughing and partying like a preschooler, just listen to this silly song by Go Fish on their CD named perfectly, Party like a Preschooler. Then imagine yourself first listening to a serious song, slow, and meaningful about the promises of Jesus, and then this song busts in. I guarantee you’ll laugh.
Clearly, God enjoys surprising us with silly things that will make us laugh.
Thank you, God, for bringing me laughter today through John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt! Now, I think it’s time to tune in again to a most unexpected inspirational song and party like a preschooler.
Pearl says
Michelle, what a gift kids are! I love this example from James adding a song to your playlist. Hilarious and healing. Thanks for sharing!
Pearl, I wholeheartedly agree! Kids are gifts, such blessings! I love the fun surprises they bring too. Just the other day, as I was driving home from the grocery store, I decided to intentionally listen to Go Fish! Makes me smile even now as I remember the joy my James brings.:)
I’ve learned so much more about God’s perspective on life through my grandkids, too. I started writing some down, but then mostly forget in the busyness of life. Enjoy the moments! And keep writing them down!
Kim, I just love being a grandma. I don’t bake like you, but I can dance! We got to babysit all weekend this Labor Day weekend. We did a lot of singing and laughing!
Okay so I was reading your blog when I was interrupted for a moment. I had to get a turkey ready for my husband so he could put it in the smoker for supper tonight. While I was washing it, what started going through my head? “John, Jacob, Jingleheimer Schmidt…” LOL. I have 3 grown sons but no grandkids yet so I haven’t thought of that song in a LONG time. I started laughing and I have God and you to thank for it!! Have a joy-filled Day!!
LOL!!! This just made my day!
I babysat my grandson all Labor Day weekend. I got to hear this same song again and it brought me back immediately to that day God brought me laughter. I also laughed out loud. There’s just something about the joy that laughter brings. Praising Jesus with you!
I enjoyed reading your article because it cheers me to be more positive and focused on leading a happy life. Thanks for this. Keep on posting!
It is nice to read this again. This is a beautiful article. It will help us to strengthen our faith in God.
Thank you for reading this twice and months apart too! How fun to see that you have been blessed by my story about laughter. A cheerful heart is good medicine for our soul and for others’ souls too.
Keep on laughing!
with joy,