This morning, God led me out of Matthew and into some specific verses about purpose/calling. He put a hold on His parables so that He could remind me of one of my own. We took a walk down memory lane together. It’s good to do this from time to time. Being reminded where things began can have a profound effect on one’s heart, mind, and soul. It can change the direction of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors for the day ahead.
True Story Ahead
After being led through some specific verses about calling and purpose this morning, Jesus stopped on this one:
Think of what you were when you were called.
Then we had a brief, but clarifying conversation. It went something like this:
Jesus: “Do you remember when you were first called by Me, Michelle? Think back.”
Me: “Yes, I remember.”
Jesus: “Who were you back then?”
Me: “A little girl. I was seven.”
Jesus: “What did you know about Me?”
Me: “Not much. Except I knew in my heart You were kind and gentle. You were God Himself.”
Jesus: “Michelle, that’s right. You were a child, a small child, only seven. You didn’t know much about Me when you were first called. Only that I was calling you to join me. You had a lot of growing up to do. You had a lot of knowledge to gain. You had a lot of understanding, insight, and wisdom to learn. You didn’t know then what you know now. Remember who you were when you first called.”
Clearly, I forget who I once was, where I began, what I was once like before Jesus transformed me. Disclaimer: Jesus is still transforming me. He’s not done with me yet. Praise Jesus!
Remember who you were when you first called.
Sometimes I’ve witnessed frustration, impatience, and arrogance in Christians (me included).
We can get so annoyed at others for not “getting” it, not “becoming” fast enough. We can be cruel in our Christian thinking and speaking. “Why can’t they understand that? Why doesn’t she change already? How can she not see how rude she is? How long, Lord, will it be before the blinders are off that sin of his?”
Friends, we’re all guilty of thinking and speaking these things.
When I was seven years old, there was no way I was capable of understanding what I understand now at 54. I’ve had 47 years of living with Jesus as my Lord and Savior. How can I become so frustrated with others on their journey?
We put so many expectations on others that we never put on ourselves.
When I think back over my life, I have stand-out, pivotal moments and seasons of complete hardship and trials and sin to overcome. The transformation process was not fast for me. In fact, there have been some sins in my own life that I had to stay in the fiery furnace for a long time in order for Jesus to burn off the crap.
I’m not proud of this. I’m just stating a fact.
This transformation process takes time. When there are people in our lives that we so desire to become different, more like Jesus, we need to remember our own journey.
Think back to when you were first called. What were you like? How much did you know about Jesus and His ways?
Yesterday, I mentioned how Jesus’ hometown folks fixated on His humble beginnings and couldn’t see Him for who He was now.
Today, I think God is challenging us to do the opposite. Let’s remember our humble beginnings so that we don’t get fixated on who we are now.
We need to think back to who we were when we were first called so that we can move forward with humbleness and kindness toward others.
1 Corinthians 1:26 – Think of what you were when you were called.
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