Good Morning My Friends! I’m excited about today’s challenge. We get to build each other up today! As I start my day, I’m thinking about the impact our words will have on others today. Today, we can truly help transform someone’s life. I have a few ideas, so keep reading.
Bring on the Compliments, Stop the Criticism!
Have you ever thought about the power of your words? Have you ever experienced being lifted up, that happy feeling when someone compliments you?
Now what happens to your heart when someone criticizes you, finds a fault, or nags you about something?
“Kind words bring life, but cruel words crush your spirit” (Proverbs 15: 4, GNT).
Finding faults in someone and pointing those out is never motivating. Criticizing words can crush the spirit. They actually can bring anxiety and sadness to others. Why would we want to cause someone to feel sad or discouraged? Let’s stop criticizing others. Let’s stop looking for faults in others.
What we need to do is build each other up. We need to speak kind words because they produce a happy heart. Kind words actually cheer up someone.
“Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up” (Proverbs 12:25, NIV).
I recently read an article about the benefits of giving recognition. Not only can verbally complimenting cheer up someone, but people who are complimented and recognized are healthier. PLUS, not only does the person being complimented benefit, but interestingly, so does the person who speaks the kind words.
Remember the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ”It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35, NIV).
I guess research is supporting that now too.
Imagine at the end of this day how many people will have been given a compliment and how happy they will feel today. I’m pretty sure, if you compliment someone today, you will feel happy too.
So today, let’s start looking for things to compliment others on.
Here’s a few ideas to get you started:
- Did someone make a really yummy tasting breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack? Compliment them.
- Does someone’s new hairstyle look really good on them? Let them know.
- Does someone look especially nice in their dress or suit? Tell them how nice they look.
- If your teacher does a really great job teaching you, tell your teacher how awesome he/she is.
- Did someone help you patiently with a project? Let them know you appreciate not only their help, but their patience.
- Is someone caring for you today because you are sick? Tell them you appreciate their kindness in caring for you.
- Did you someone cheer your heart? Tell them.
My First Compliment Today
I’m going to get today’s compliment challenge started. My first compliment goes out Carter, my seven and a half-year old nephew, who I found out last night has joined my 40 Days of Intentional Living. His grandma messaged me last evening to tell me how much they are embracing my 40 Days of Intentional Living, especially Carter. In fact, “He asks, ‘What should we do today?’”
Carter, you are a shining light, a handsome example for the rest of us how to be excited about living intentionally. Learning of your enthusiasm for the 40 Days of Intentional Living made my heart very happy. I’m still smiling. 🙂 I will add, I also have tears of humbleness that my living intentionally has positively impacted you. So, Carter, thank you for making my heart happy.
Share Your Experience
First, I’d love to have many, many people get complimented today. Let’s spread some happiness today! Share my blog post to spread the new of the challenge. Tell others about it too.
Second, if you compliment someone, I’d love for you to share what happened. You can share in my comments section. How did they react? How did it impact you?
Just For Today
Refrain from Criticizing. Embrace Complimenting
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