Have you ever considered how just two words can powerfully impact how you live? Have you ever thought how just two words can be a blessing to others? Want to know how? Keep reading.
Struck Down, but not Crushed
Words penetrated my heart deeply. I felt crushed, beat up, and hurt. I was knocked down, but would I stay down?
How to Live an Effective Life
Highly effective people live in a very particular way. They live intentional lives. They focus on their purpose, their development, and their impact in the world. Want to know one practical way they do this? They read…a lot!
Date Night Etiquette
True Story Ahead! Last night, I met my husband at a local pizza place for our date night. We requested our daughter to be our server. We love doing that! 🙂 I had just come from spending the day in my writers studio. What a fabulous day I had. I actually made progress on some techie …
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Be the Change: Yes You Can!
If you think you can’t change, yes you can! If there’s something in your life you want different, change it. If you are the reason something is not moving forward, be the one to change your path. If you think you can’t, I’m here to tell you, YES, YOU CAN! You know how I know? …
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Blind Spots
We all have them! Blind spots are those areas in our life we personally don’t see…about ourselves. I’ve learned each human being has four quadrants that make up our knowledge about our individual lives.
Resting is More Important than Sorting Socks
The shrilling alarm went off waking me from a deep slumber. I could barely move my arm to hit the snooze button; it felt like a 500 pound weight was strapped on. “Is it morning already?” I asked myself as I slapped the snooze button. “No wait, what day is it? Monday? Wednesday?” I asked. …
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Today’s the Day!
Today’s the day. As Nike would say, “Just Do It!” I am. I’m not waiting any longer. It’s just time to jump in and swim. A little scary, and whole lot exciting! I’m launching my blog! Since the beginning of July, I’ve been squeezing in time in my jam-packed life to not just learn how to …
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Joy and Sorrow
The last few weeks have been filled with joy and sorrow. Intense joy. Intense sorrow. There’s no other way to describe this except to say, one comes at the expense of the other. How are we to know joy without experiencing sorrow? How are we to know sorrow without experiencing joy? In this world, we …
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